The DoubleClick Network
About The DoubleClick Network:
The DoubleClick Network consists of seven networks including: Auto, Business, Commerce, Entertainment, Technology, Travel and Women/Health. Each has "...user-defined sub-categories to meet the needs of all advertisers - whether you are looking to reach teens, sports enthusiasts or the sophisticated Web surfer, we have the sites for reaching your desired audience."
"The core of the DoubleClick Network is DoubleClick Select, a collection of premium sites represented exclusively and available for custom ad buys and sponsorships." The Dilbert Zone and AltaVista Network are part of the DoubleClick Select group.
"AltaVista Search is the leading Internet Search engine. Renowned for speed and accuracy, AltaVista search draws the most loyal audience of users. AltaVista delivers this loyal technology savvy audience in volume with over 60 million unique users monthly."
"You can advertise to this desirable audience through DoubleClick. We offer a combination of advertising opportunities on this powerful search engine. Homepage sponsorships, content zones, and features such as Email and Translation Services, are all available through your DoubleClick representatives."
DoubleClick Targeting Criteria
Content Targeting "...allows you to place your advertising message on a particular site or within an entire interest category. Content Targeting allows you to be sure that your message is being delivered to an interested audience. Content can be targeted through the [seven] Networks."
Behavioral Targeting "...allows you to select an audience based on how they use the Web. Advertisers can select business users by having their advertisements delivered Monday-Friday between 9 and 5, or recreational users by targeting messages in the evening hours. Response rates can be increased by limiting frequency, or by using psychographic targeting to bias ads towards users most likely to respond."
Psychographic Targeting lets you "...bias your ads towards users who are most likely to respond."
Frequency Control: "Maximize your ad budget by limiting the number of exposures per individual. Research has shown that response rates dramatically decline after 3-4 exposures."
Hour & Day Control: "Select the days and times when you want your banner displayed."
User Targeting "...allows you to deliver advertisements based on the specific traits of your audience, including their geographic location, industry, or even the company they work for."
Geographic Targeting: "Select your audience based on where they live or work. You can target by Country, State or Zip code."
Domain Type (.com, .edu): "Select an audience based on organizational affiliation. Reach college students by targeting .edu or reach government employees by targeting .gov."
Company Name: "Target your ads to specific companies based on their domain registration."
Industry Type: "Select a US government Standard Industrial Classification Code (SIC Code) to target your ads to a particular industry segment."
Business Size: "Target companies based on Dun & Bradstreet earnings and workforce size rankings."
Tech Targeting "...allows you to target an audience based on user hardware, software and Internet access provider. Target users of a certain browser or Operating System type or select user types based on Internet Service Providers (ISPs)."
Added: June 26-00
Quoted excerpts are © DoubleClick unless otherwise noted.
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